Julen Huidobro will continue to lead Barakaldo’s midfield

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 8:06 p.m.


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Barakaldo is giving more and more details to its squad and announcing players for next season. This Thursday he announced the renewal of Julen Huidobro, the compass in the core of the factories, who will complete his third season at Lasesarre. The Uribarri midfielder has completed 64 games in these two seasons, and has started in 56 of them, and has scored seven goals. A footballer for whom he spends the entire game of the Baracaldians, who also does not stop giving instructions about the green. He could even be called Imanol de la Sota’s right-hand man on the playing field. He will now continue to command the core in the First Federation.

On the other hand, the club has also announced the departure of two players who have won the affection of all the fans. One of them is Ander Pacheco, a footballer who has given rise to the slogan ‘Pachequismo o muerte’ (‘Pachequismo or death’) throughout the city. The winger has won over the fans in just one season, showing his charismatic character, hard work and dedication. In addition, he has scored four goals in thirty games this season.

Xabi Cortezón will also not be leaving. A forward who has known how to adapt to any role, whether starting or coming off the bench. The striker has focused on playing a great back-to-back game and putting on suffocating pressure whenever he has been on the pitch to contribute as much as possible to the team. He has also contributed goals. Specifically, he has scored a total of 17 in the two seasons he has been at Barakaldo. The club from the Left Bank has already made official four renewals and six departures for the next season.

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2024-06-27 18:06:10
#Julen #Huidobro #continue #lead #Barakaldos #midfield


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