Julian Nagelsmann, the football scientist

Angelika Warmuth | REUTERS

19 jun 2024 . Updated at 9:42 p.m.

The german team to overwhelm Scotland (5-1) with a display of what football wise men would call Total soccer. Mastery of space, block defense, ball possession, high pressing and, above all, freedom in the last third of the field so that the Havertz, Musiala y Wirtz they did their magic.

This Germany is undoubtedly an author team. Julian Nagelsmann (36 years old) has built a team in his image and likeness. Since its beginnings in Hoffenheim, has implemented a game model that combines advanced tactics with the intensive use of data and technology. “30% is tactics, 70% is competition,” he said in a recent interview. With his studies in Sports Sciences, does not hesitate to use data analysis to optimize the performance of its players. He has applied this scientific methodology to the German team, and the results, for now, support his work.

Germany also wins when it’s boring (2-0)

Ruben Canizares

In front was Hungary, a selection with more past than present. Its era of football splendor in the 1950s with the conquest of a world runners-up spot has given way to a long journey through the desert since then.

The match began with Germany being Germany. Slow and deliberate pace, swinging the ball up to three quarters of the field. From there, vertigo and search for completion. Jamal Musiala He dominates like no one else two of the most difficult qualities to defend in football: oriented control and change of pace. Football still lacks sufficient tactics to defend players with these characteristics. Two runs and a goal 20 minutes into the game by the German number 10. The other 10 of the match, the Hungarian Szoboszlai, put a direct free kick practically in the square that the eternal Neuer managed to divert. We are surely facing the best stop so far in the tournament.

Against all odds, Hungary tried to fight back in the second half. Two attempts to reach the area by Neuer, which were overshadowed by Gündogan’s goal in the 66th minute. The midfielder is giving a real course in this Euro on how to occupy spaces and break from the second line. Germany already sees the round of 16. Hungary will continue, for now, traveling through the desert.

Ruben Maneiro He is a member of the Interuniversity Football Research Group.

Filed in: Euro Cup Germany

2024-06-19 19:42:01
#Julian #Nagelsmann #football #scientist


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