Jumbo Removes Vega Paté 125g from Kips Brand Due to Soy Allergy Concerns

Jumbo is removing the product ‘Vega Paté 125 grams’ from the Kips brand from its store shelves. “Due to an incorrect underlabel (of Kips Tuinkruidenpaté), which means that the allergen ‘soy’ is missing,” reports the FASFC.

The product, with an expiration date of August 23, 2024, was distributed through Jumbo stores in Belgium from June 14, 2024. All lottery numbers are involved.

Customers will be appropriately reimbursed

“Jumbo asks its customers not to consume this product if they have a soy allergy and to return it to the store,” the FAVV says. “Affected customers will be appropriately reimbursed. A purchase receipt is not required.”

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