Juventus Defender Federico Gatti Drawing Interest from Premier League Clubs

Juventus could well part ways with several players in this summer transfer window. Italian central defender Federico Gatti (26 years old) is being targeted by a Premier League club for a possible arrival this summer.

According to the latest information from the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’, Newcastle have targeted Federico Gatti for the upcoming season. Currently in Germany to play Euro 2024 with Italy, the Juventus central defender is of interest to the Magpies. For the moment, Newcastle management has not yet made an offer but continues to inquire about the situation of the Turin player. On the other side of the Channel, rumors are circulating about a concrete interest after the latest discussions within the club and about a proposal which could make sports director Cristiano Giuntoli hesitate.

If the departure of Gatti is not currently on the table, Juventus could demand between 25 and 30 million euros for the transalpine central defender under contract with the Bianconeri until June 2028. To be continued…

2024-06-26 10:04:00
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