Juventus “will reintegrate the family of European football” and the ECA, rejoices Nasser Al-Khelaïfi

The Turin club joins the ECA, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are the last two to defend the Superleague.

It was expected, it’s confirmed. After officially announcing their decision to dissociate themselves from the Superleague project last year, Juventus decision-makers are back “in the European football family”as the president of the ECA, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, rejoiced this Saturday during the Executive Committee of the representative body of clubs ahead of the Champions League final, in London. “I start the meeting with very important news. Having had several meetings recently with their management and owners, I am happy to announce that Juventus have applied to join the ECA, which will be made official shortly.assures the Qatari leader, at the head of the ECA since 2021, when he took over from Andrea Agnelli (Juventus), who resigned.

And “NAK” continues: “The ECA door is always open to clubs that believe in collective interests, progressive reforms and working constructively with all stakeholders – we are delighted that Juventus is joining the European football family.” With Juventus Turin back in the fold of the ECA and UEFA, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona remain the only defenders of a Superleague project.


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