Kalamua Judo Club Shines with Medal Wins Across Borders

Saturday, June 22, 2024, 8:37 pm | Updated 9:45 p.m.


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The Kalamua judo club crossed the border again to return to Eibar loaded with medals. As it did last year in Bidarte, this time the town of Iparralde de Urruña has hosted the cross-border tournament of this sport organized by the secular association Adixkideak at the Socoa sports facilities. Within karate and tai chi demonstrations and a modern dance show, as well as an aperitif with the traditional barbecue and muxikoak, this judo tournament was held, in which the Eibar club participated as a guest and won nine medals: two of gold, three silver and four bronze.

The winners of the metals, in this test valid for the Iparralde tournament league, were Amets Alonso and Iker Corrales, who finished in first position, Garazi Valladares, Lucas Azpiazu and Raydel Vázquez, being second, and Adrián Sánchez, June Valladares, Sara Azpiazu and Aitor Puente, who won the bronze.

The club was the best in the league, since it was the one that has obtained the most medals.

Sixteen medals in Irun

The one in Urruña has not been the only tournament in which they have participated this month. At the beginning of June, invited by the Bidasoa Judo Club, they competed in the Bidasoa Festival held in Irun, where they continued their learning on the tatami. Thus, the Kalamua judokas won no more and no less than sixteen medals in the juvenile, youngest and mini youngest categories.

The junior Maialen Lizarralde won bronze, Alain González took silver and Xabi Larrañaga obtained a well-deserved bronze. In the youngest category, Jon Mendoza won the bronze, Lucas Azpiazu was third and bronze, Rabab Chouma Ibnelhaj finished second, receiving the silver, Adrián Sánchez obtained the bronze, Amets Alonso achieved a competitive gold, Raydel Márquez the silver, Maya Jebari Ben Hamman the bronze medal and Danel Mekolalde. And in mini benjamín, Unax Gesalaga and Oihan Cortazar won gold, Iker Corrales and Garazi Valladares won silver and Xabi Garro won bronze in this competition in Irun.

Wide range of classes

Looking ahead to the next season that will begin in September, the Eibar judo club chaired by Hegoi Esteban has expanded its offer and modified its schedules. Judo classes are offered for boys and girls ages 4 and up, both training and competitive. On the other hand, adults will have the opportunity to practice martial art in a fun and competitive way. Likewise, there is the possibility of doing morning classes and functional gymnastics, all in consultation with the instructor. More information at ‘[email protected]’ or by calling 636 494 645 (Hegoi).

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2024-06-22 18:39:11
#Judo #Club #Kalamua #returns #loaded #medals #Urrugne #tournament


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