Kevin Berlin joins athletes who beat Conade

From the editorial staff

La Jornada Newspaper
Thursday June 20, 2024, p. a12

Kevin Berlin joined the list of athletes who defeated the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports (Conade) in court, after a court ordered the institution to return financial support.

The diver, who will compete in the individual and synchronized platform events at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, filed a lawsuit backed by the results obtained at the Fukuoka 2023 World Cup, where he won a bronze medal.

After months of waiting, the ruling was in his favor.

Scholarships and support must be granted in a timely manner in order to contribute to elevating the sports development of our country in response to international cooperation treaties or agreements, cites the document presented by lawyer Luis Jiménez.

Like the majority of those selected for aquatic disciplines, the diver had not received a scholarship since last year when, due to legal problems in his federation, Conade decided not to grant them resources.

The Berlin protection is one of the more than 60 cases faced by Conade, led by Ana Guevara, who has tried to minimize the rulings against her. She recently described as violative the final ruling of June 12 by a judge who ordered her to release the support corresponding to the artistic swimming team for her sporting performance to date.

The former sprinter’s main argument is that the athletes did not have the Unique Sports Registry (RUD) that the Mexican Swimming Federation would have to issue, something impossible to deliver, since Conade itself did not recognize the organization headed by Kiril Todorov.

Such omissions are not attributable to the complaining party, since these elements must be issued and delivered by the corresponding National Sports Association, which in this case is the FMN, from which Conade revoked the RUD; which, of course, implies that his failure to present cannot be attributed to the petitioner because there is a legal impediment to it, the document adds.

Berlin got its ticket to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in February of this year, after its participation in the Doha World Cup, where it qualified for the final.

2024-06-20 10:45:35
#Kevin #Berlin #joins #athletes #beat #Conade


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