Kristaps Porzingis Impresses All with Stellar Performance: Analysis by Former Latvian National Player and Coach Žanis Peiners

In “Morning Panorama” after Porzingis’ great game, his friend, former Latvian national basketball player, now coach (also Kristaps’s individual techniques) and analyst Žanis Peiners was invited, who did not hide that not only he, but also all other people were very pleasantly surprised by Porzingis the performance shown on the field: “I think he himself did not expect, even his most ardent fans – family did not expect that it would be so good. Because they [“Mavericks” komandas] a lot at “pick & rolls” [divu cilvēku sadarbībām] changes, immediately looked for Kristaps, immediately threw the first shot, used the first couple of attacks. Then you could immediately see that he felt good, he started to smile, then when he enters such a good zone, he practically always plays well, then good episodes in defense also started and everything went in such a good ball.”


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