Kylian Mbappé to Miss France’s Next Match: Replacement Options Discussed

The attacker, after breaking his nose and deciding to avoid surgery, trained separately on Wednesday 19 June complete with a bandaged nose. Deschamps shouldn’t risk it in the next match against Holland but an official communication on his absence has not yet arrived


Kylian Mbappé is expected to miss France’s next match, that one against the Netherlands on Friday 21 June. This is confirmed by various sources, including L’Equipe ed Espn, according to which the attacker should not be risked for the second match of the group and should therefore be spared in case of need for the final match of group D against Poland. A precautionary choice, therefore, despite the player initially pushing to play straight away. After breaking his nose following the clash with Danso in the match won against Austria, in fact, the Real Madrid star decided to avoid the operation – which would have kept him out for the entire European Championship – in order to return on on the field as soon as possible, thanks to the help of a protective mask.

Mbappé trains (aside) with a bandaged nose

Waiting to see Real Madrid’s new signing with the mask he trained separately on Wednesday 19 June, entering the field later than his teammates with the bandaged nose. In the morning Mbappé had made it clear on Instagram all his desire to play and his dedication to the French cause: “Without risks there are no victories”her words.

Who instead of Mbappé?

“There will be other tests to see how things progress – explained the France coach, Didier Deschamps -. We will follow him closely day by day.” Danso wished Mbappé a speedy recovery via social media, while the French player immediately joked about it, asking the fans for some ideas on which mask to wear. But in the meantime, if his absence against the Netherlands is confirmed, who will take the field in his place? There are several options available: the first involves replacing Mbappé with Giroudbut at that point Thuram would be the one to move to the left with greater coverage requested in the defensive phase. Another solution is to use Kolo Muani in place of Mbappé, although the former Eintracht player is better off on the right, or use natural exteriors such as Coman or Barcola.

in-depth analysis

Mbappé on X: “What mask do I wear?”. And the fans…



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