Latvian beach volleyball players triumph in the “Futures” tournament in Austria

Latvian beach volleyball duo Kristians Fokerots/Gustavs Auziņš celebrated their victory in the Beach Volleyball Professional Tour (BPT) “Futures” tournament in Austria on Sunday.

Fokerots/Auziņš, who were seeded fifth in the competition, beat home duo Tims Bergers/Timo Hammarbergs (3rd) 2-0 (21:19, 21:19) in the final.

It was the first victory for Aužin in the “Futures” tournaments, while Fokerots won the first in August of last year, together with Mārtiņas Pļaviņas, he triumphed in the “Futures” competition in Warsaw.

It has already been reported that on Friday Latvians beat home team Lorenc Petuchnig and Florian Shnetser (12th) in Group D with 2-0 (21:17, 21:16) and in the fight for first place in the group with 2-0 (21:17, 25:23 ) – Germans Paul Henning and Philip Huster (4th).

On Saturday, Fokerot and Auzina beat the main favorites of the competition, Laurence Gresig and Matthias Zeizers from Austria, in the quarter-finals with 2-0 (21:15, 21:18), and on Sunday in the semi-finals with 2-0 (21:16, 21:10) – Australian Soloman Bushby. and Ben Hood (9th).

In the “Pro Beach Tour” ranking, the first is the “Elite 16” competition, the second – “Challenge”, the third – the “Futures” competition.

2024-06-30 17:59:44
#Latvian #beach #volleyball #players #triumph #Futures #tournament #Austria


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