Latvian National Anthem Plays as Ervīns Grencis Wins European Autocross Championship Stage

Photo: Raimonds Volonts

The Latvian National Anthem is played in the second stage of the European Autocross Championship, as experienced motor sportsman Ervīns Grencis won the strong SuperBuggy class in the competition of 22 athletes on Sunday in front of full stands. The event was attended not only by many Latvians, but also by foreign guests to experience high-level competitions and support their favorites.

In the strongest autocross SuperBuggy class, Latvian Ervins Grencis won in front of several thousand fans. Petr Nikodems from the Czech Republic is in second place, and Mike Bartelen from the Netherlands is third.

David Matt from France won the Cross Car class, while Spaniards Miguel Gayoso Vazquez and Ivan Pina Chinchilla were second and third. Malone Fuillade, a French athlete, won the JuniorBuggy competition, Eliška Pitlunova from the Netherlands finished second, and Eliška Plna from the Czech Republic finished third. On the other hand, the Latvian Monta Henilane got into a collision early in the morning and did not finish. The Buggy 1600 class was won by German Steven Laubach, second Stin Jasper and third Jakub Novotny.

Jānis Bergs, organizer of the FIA ​​European Autocross Championship stage in Latvia: “The competition was successfully held with the participation of Europe’s strongest autocross drivers. Summer and autocross festival in Bauska, we continue decades-old traditions. We managed to prepare the track surface well and everything went according to plan, which is the credit of a professional team, because everyone is responsible for their own area. A special thanks to the audience, whose presence confirms that this event is appreciated and necessary.”

In addition to the European Autocross Championship, the spectators had a rally show after a 15-year break. Six motor sportsmen participated, who made four laps in each race, after which the best result was calculated. The well-known Pēteris Neikšāns finished in sixth place, who admitted that he was nervous before the races. Jurďis Meisters finished in the fifth place, Jānis Berķis in the honorable fourth place. The legendary rally pilot Ivars Vasaraudzi finished in third place, second on his home track – Māris Neikšāns, while the victory went to Kalvi Blum from Rauna.

Kalvis Blum, winner of the rally show: “This is my first time driving on this track, I would have liked to practice for about 20 laps, then I could drive more confidently. The morning started with technical car problems, but we fixed everything and it was a pleasure to compete with the old masters. Since I won, I am very satisfied with the result, thank you for the invitation. It was a pleasure to watch the European Autocross Championship in person, it was just like when I was a child.”

Information prepared by:
Anda Podzińa


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