Laurent Labit (Stade Français): “The ambition is to go further”

“What does it mean to play a semi-final in Bordeaux against Bordeaux?
We knew it could happen. Even though we are the surprise guest, we had watched where the semis would be played. We showed this season that we were the best away team (6 wins). We can do big performances outside. Personally, I had a semi-final in Toulouse (lost in 2012 with Castres). A match is fifteen against fifteen. It will be an open semi-final.

Why do you say that Stade Français is the surprise guest?
There was a change of staff and it was a special season with the World Cup. It’s the season to take charge, to get started. But we told the players that we had to be able to play for the title. They thought we were crazy. The objective was the top 6. With this direct semi-final, we can say that we are the surprise guest. But we deserve. Our ambition is to go further, we have been talking about it for many weeks. Sometimes the planets are aligned and we gain nothing. Sometimes, when you least expect it, you go far. This group reminds me of the 2013 group in Castres (champion). It wasn’t planned, but we did it. Over 80 minutes, we can put up a fight.

“The culture of the club was focused on winning and defending. There was some very good work from our predecessors. But we will have to evolve”

A word about Yannick Bru, the UBB manager…
We’ve known each other for a long time. We are proud to sit at the big table. I know his approach. He is a very sharp manager. He prepared well for this match. It also has players capable of changing the course of a match. He will try to move us and move us.

Is it reductive to say that this match is a confrontation between the Bordeaux attack and the Stade Français defense?
We all want to play rugby very well. It takes time to build offensively. The club’s culture was focused on conquest and defense. There was some very good work from our predecessors. But we will have to evolve. We think about it. Except that today, we are looking for efficient and winning rugby to win the Brennus. We want to please the president (Hans-Peter Wild). He gives financial means, time and energy.

UBB will be deprived of major players like Matthieu Jalibert and Ben Tameifuna. What does it change ?
Above all, we must not believe that the team opposite is weakened. Otherwise, we will not come home with the fear necessary to win the match. We know their importance. Matthew is a danger. They have other players. They have already played without them. We know their desire to play at home in Bordeaux. »


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