Le Creusot Women’s Tennis Teams Shine at FFT Snowshoe Departmental Championships, Vice Champions of S&L FFT Rackets

In the wake of Roland Garros, the two women’s teams represented the Tennis Club du Creusot well this weekend:

In FFT snowshoes, the departmental semi-finals and finals took place this weekend.

The Le Creusot team:

– Fabienne COUVEZ

– Stéphanie DONNE

– Lucette BRIZET

– Chloé COUVEZ

Is vice champion of S&L of FFT rackets.

• In the semi-final, Le Creuset beats St Marcel with a score of 2/1:

The 1st is simply lost by Fabienne with a close score of 6/7.

Lucette wins the 2nd singles 6/4.

The doubles won by the pair Stéphanie and Chloé with a clear score of 6/0 decided the two teams.

• In the final Le Creusot lost with a score of 2/1 against GERGY’s team

Match results:

Le Creusot loses both singles. Chloé loses 3/6 and Stéphanie loses 6/7.

In doubles, the pair Lucette and Fabienne won with a score of 6/2.

The last day of the departmental interclub championships took place this weekend.

The 1st women’s team from Le Creusot Opposed to RULLY, was playing for the promotion to division 1. It was absolutely necessary to win the match, which Le Creusot did by beating RULLY by a clear score of 6/0.

The Le Creusot team:

Tiphaine BENOÎT, Michèle DUPONTET, Estefania TSAO SOLANO, Nadia BOGENEZ and Mireille RICHARD

In simple:

– Tiphaine is victorious over Sarah Da Costa with a score of 6/1.6/3

– Michèle beats Hélène MASSOT 6/1, 6/3

– Estefania wins against Patricia DESCOMBES 4/6, 6/2, 6/3

– Nadia, opposed to Lolita ROTSART, wins with a score of 6/2, 6/0

En double :

The pair Tiphaine/Estefania beats the pair Sarah Da COSTA/Hélène MASSOT with a score of 6/2, 6/3.

2024-06-12 05:00:00
#TENNIS #Good #results #womens #teams #Tennis #Club #Creusot


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