Legendary Basketball Player Michael Jordan Visits Mallorca in Style

His Airnessthe legendary American basketball player Michael Jordanhas paid a visit to Mallorca. After a flying visit to the party island of Ibiza, the now 61-year-old returned per Yacht arrived in Mallorca, reported the MM sister newspaper “Ultima Hora” in the evening.

The attempt to disappear into the crowd is six-time NBA winner Given his height (1.98 meters), this is a hopeless undertaking. And then there is his stately courtwho follows Jordan everywhere he goes. It didn’t take long before people in Mallorca noticed what is probably the best basketball player of all time, according to the local newspaper.

The Jordan entourage had lunch in a restaurant in Palma’s harbor district Orange surrounded by numerous curious onlookers. According to “Ultima Hora”, his wife Yvette Prieto and their twin daughters were also part of the party. When they left, the waiting autograph hunters However, he was disappointed. Jordan waved to the crowd with a smile, but quickly left under the protection of his bodyguards and went to his yacht.

Jordan, from whom his colleague Magic Johnson once said: “There is Michael Jordan and then there is the rest of us,” Mallorca had already met in 2017. At that time, the Chicago Bulls legend had mingled with the British holidaymakers in Calvià’s hotspot Magaluf mixed, the local newspaper recalled on Tuesday.

The exceptional athlete shaped the NBA especially in the 1990s, with the Chicago Bulls He won the NBA six times, with the US-Dream Team twice Olympic gold. Jordan has not completely left the NBA to this day. First, he was the majority owner of the Charlotte Hornetspreviously at the Washington Wizardswhere he ended his active career in 2003.

2024-06-25 22:43:01
#Basketball #legend #Michael #Jordan #Mallorca


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