Leopards Men’s Tennis Team of DRC Falls Short in Davis Cup Qualifiers Against Senegal

The Leopards men’s tennis team of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) lost (0-2) to their Senegalese counterparts in one of the finals for accession to Group 3 of the Davis Cup, the tennis World Cup. These Group 4 qualifiers took place in Luanda, Angola for a week.

For this confrontation, the Congolese met the Senegalese who took 1st place in the other group. It was Christian Saidi who was on the track first and was no match for Nicolas Jadoun (2-6/1-6) before William Bushamuka also lost to Seydina André in a match which was quite tight (2-6/7-6/3-6). This 2nd setback definitively sealed the hopes of the Congolese who did not even play the 3rd doubles match because it was no longer of any use in terms of results.

The Fauves Congolais did their best in this competition where they reached this stage without adequate preparation due to the lack of resources of the national federation which benefits from state subsidies or if not a little and which are not sufficient to meet all the needs related to the participation of teams in such tournaments. But these athletes are to be congratulated for this honorable journey and will try to come back strong next year.

Michel TOBO

2024-06-22 16:52:36
#Davis #Cup #Beaten #Senegalese #mens #tennis #Leopards #wait #reach #Group


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