Let’s join forces, Belotti on the lake and Kean on the Ponte Vecchio, thanks for everything Calha, Lukaku finds Ibra at his first communion

The right hand around Matthias Zaccagni has saved the Italian summer, at least so far. The Lazio winger will have to grow sideburns and a goatee to remember Alex Del Piero and get confused among the defenders, against Switzerland the polls show Zaccagni ahead in the fans’ preferences.

Luciano Spalletti – Ph Calciomercato.com

At the end of the match Spalletti argued a bit with everyone because it was his Italia cannot be touched, the defeatist attitude of his team is the result of a group of fire and some individual errors, which however against the Swiss they will not be allowed. As the national anthem says: “Let’s gather together as a cohort. We are ready to die“. For the millions of technical commissioners scattered across the country, the national team is a question of life or death and in the space of five minutes the destinies of the world and the opinions on a coach who, if only a year ago was the best in the world, can now change is downright boiled . Save the soldier Luciano.

Interlockings: Di Lorenzo in Turin, Kean on the Ponte Vecchio and the Gallo on the lake

Staying on the national theme, but with an eye on the transfer market, the uninspiring performances of John DiLorenzo. The Juventus will wait until the end of EURO 2024 to pounce on the player. In reverse Moise Kean he is now close to saying goodbye, there Fiorentina he would like the former Everton man who however also has a market abroad. The viola looks for the next Belottithe Gallo has decided to have a house with a lake view, for him here is Como which presents itself on the big stage of Serie A with ambitions and the right irreverence.

John Di Lorenzo – Ph Sportmediaset

Thanks for everything

In Milan, however, they ponder the possible farewell of Hakan Çalhanoğlu. If indeed the Bavaria Monaco will deliver 70 million euros Marotta could sell, for a player who arrived on a free transfer and is no longer very young that figure is almost indispensable, even if Chala has sworn his love to the Inter club, but the market laws are perverse and unpredictable. The number 20 had dedicated himself to football in the Bundesliga with Leverkusen and due to some strange law written centuries ago sooner or later everyone returns home, Germany could once again embrace what many believe to be the best record in Europe, perhaps some might not think like this and if the right offer comes along, best regards and thanks for everything.

Hakan Çalhanoğlu – Ph Spotmediaset

Lukaku at Milan and the strangulation model shirt

Staying in the wake of unpredictable things here Romelu Lukakuthree goals disallowed for him at EURO 2024 and many ambitions. Saudi Arabia continues to call, Romelu is on the answering machine for the moment. A return to Milan would not be ruled out, Milan would at least like to try, after Kvara Conte is also preparing to tackle the age-old Romelu issue, with the former Inter player who would join his mentor from Lecce also in Lega Pro, but between games of agents and salaries to be filed down, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit together. Lukaku to Milan? Here we go again, the Belgian could find Ibra in the shadow of the Duomo in his managerial version with a strangulation-style buttoned-up shirt and a First Communion tie. If they had told us this years ago we would not have believed it.

Antonio Conte e Romelu Lukaku (Ph Sqawka)

2024-06-26 07:00:52
#Lets #join #forces #Belotti #lake #Kean #Ponte #Vecchio #Calha #Lukaku #finds #Ibra #communion


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