Lilian Thuram on the RN: “I always told my children “We do not collaborate with hatred””

Guest on France Inter’s 13/14 news, Lilian Thuram spoke about the legislative elections, the first round of which takes place on Sunday, taking a stand against the National Rally: “People who have this violence in them express it freely today and it is extremely dangerous. Imagine tomorrow when they are in power… We must take things seriously. Unfortunately, for years we have denied the racism of the National Front (former name of the RN). The FN is a party where there is an extremely deep anti-Muslim hatred.”

The 1998 world champion also addressed the influence of the media and politicians on the trivialization of racist speech: “There is the role of certain media which normalize racist speech. There is also that of certain politicians who legitimize the discourse of the National Front. That’s the reality. We ask ourselves how it is possible to live in a country where people are going to be violent according to their origins or their skin color. »

He didn’t talk about it with Marcus

The former player of the French team also returned to the position of his son Marcus who had also taken a position against the far-right party, while he is currently at the Euro: “ I didn’t talk about it with him. But it is the fruit of education. I have always tried to educate my two boys on the fact that we must take care of others and respect them. We must not be indifferent. I am not Muslim, but I can openly say that there is very powerful anti-Muslim racism on the part of the FN. I’m not gay and it’s exactly the same thing. There are extremely homophobic speeches. I always told my children “we don’t collaborate with hatred”

He also cited a sentence from Albert Einstein to illustrate his point: “There is a sentence from Albert Einstein which says ‘the world is going badly not because of those who do evil, but because of those who let doing and watching. The idea is not to look, not to be silent, not to act as if you don’t know. »


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