Limoges CSP Reorganizes with New Leadership Structure and Sporting Director

Lionel Peluhet brought his team together this Thursday at the club’s headquarters in Limoges to set up an organization chart and prepare for the season. Xavier Bonnafy, until now president of the CSP association, becomes deputy president of the club.

Little by little, the Limoges CSP is reorganizing itself. After the Greek tragedy which marked the spring, things are getting back to normal with a new team at the head of the club.

Owner Lionel Peluhet organized a meeting at the club’s headquarters this Thursday, June 27, with the six other new members of the board of directors.

Among the first information to emerge, Xavier Bonnafy became deputy president of the club. This insurer from Limoges was until now president of the CSP association.

Also among the administrators are notary Benoit Poiraud, business development consultant Fabien Thibaut, training center director Olivier Chaume, former manager André Sardin, and former president Didier Jamot, who therefore retains a place within the club.

The discussions naturally focused on the future of Limoges CSP, with an emphasis on sports and partnerships, two important projects which are opening up.

A precise organization will be revealed on Monday at the Limousin press club.

On the sporting side, we are also awaiting the announcement of the first signings of new sporting director Crawford Palmer.

2024-06-27 14:57:43
#Limoges #CSP #unveils #faces


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