Longtime Judo Coach Leaves Club After 44 Years: Explaining the Decision

After 44 years of good and loyal service within the Marnaval/Saint-Dizier 52 judo club, Francis Clerget, aged 67, decided, at the end of the annual gala, Friday June 14, to leave the club. He explains his decision.

It’s a decision which, in the world of judo, in Haute-Marne but also outside the department, will make noise! Francis Clerget who, for 44 years, spent hours, days, weekends, “to training and development, to make Marnaval a mass club, then an elite club”, decided to slam the door of the club! For someone who was a youth coach, technical advisor and grade exam preparer, the decision “is irrevocable!” »

A decision that was not taken on a whim by Francis Clerget, 7th dan. “For some time now, the club has been going through difficult times. » But the straw that broke the camel’s back dates from Friday June 14. That evening was the club’s annual gala and some young people from Marnaval/Saint-Dizier did not behave in the way that Francis Clerget had been advocating for years. Judo is the school of life and it must remain so, but that is no longer the case…”

The latter points his finger “a number of things that no longer work the way I wanted. » Which ones? “Discipline and attitudes”, replies Francis Clerget. All this during certain competitions, but also during training. “Last week, I was present at training”relate Francis Clerget. “Young people were not working. The instructor made the remark to them, but they sent him “sh…” Ce “lack of rigor, discipline”, Francis Clerget was informed by the authorities of the League, of which he is a member. The problem is that he “There are not enough sanctions by the people at the club. And when there are no sanctions, it is because we condone. Laxity has set in. On one side there is rigor and on the other there is carelessness, provocation, with certain parents who support it. »

“It’s gone too far…”

Francis Clerget, who “never experienced this at the club”has the support of the president, Eugène Pérez (read elsewhere). “He tries to reframe things”explains Francis Clerget. “He knows the “shop” and the rules of judo. »

If he is supported by his president, on the other hand, “2-3 instructors turned against me. » Francis Clerget is accused of “communitarianism”. “We easily associate communitarianism with racism”which Francis Clerget strongly contests. “I have always fought to live it together. I have never rejected certain people. It’s gone too far…”

Francis Clerget, affected, no longer recognizes “his” club and no longer recognizes himself within the club. “A page is turned, but not by chance. I no longer want to be associated with the bad image of the club. For me, sport is about educating, making citizens and that is not the case. On the carpets, there were clans. I reported it and it ended up blowing up…”

If he will not return to the club, on the other hand, Francis Clerget “will continue to teach. In Haute-Marne, clubs are looking for coaches. » Francis Clerget will take the time to digest, before making his choice. There should be no shortage of suggestions…

Yves Tainturier

[email protected]

Questions to Eugène Pérez (president of Marnaval/Saint-Dizier)

“Some people don’t like “Clerget” anymore! »

Jhmquotidien: What is your feeling upon the announcement of Francis Clerget to leave the Marnaval/Saint-Dizier club?
Eugene Pérez:
“I am very saddened by what is happening. I am in pain. Francis is a friend. We did lots of things together. He has a lot of heart and passion. He loves what he does. Marnaval is her “baby”. He is the founder. Young people no longer wanted to work with him, because they felt bad about his character and his demands. In fact, some people no longer like “Clerget”! There is no Clerget to carry the Olympic flame to Saint-Dizier. Axel (Clerget) was chosen by Paris 2024…”

Jhmquotidien: Francis Clerget declared that the club is going through difficult times. Are you OK with that ?
E. P. :
“I share his feelings. We lost an employee, Benjamin Gaillard, deputy of Mohamed Ouali. He was starting out in his duties, but he had to do everything. As for Mohamed Ouali, at the beginning of January, he resigned from his position as Technical Director, believing that Francis (Clerget) was putting too much pressure on him and that he could not do everything. We had ten people at the 1st division championships, there are only two left and they are from outside. Marnaval is no longer a training club. We are losing members and it is not just due to demographics. Listening and working are essential and this is no longer the case. »

jhmquotidien: For what reasons do you think?
E. P. :
“Is it an education problem, a societal problem? Certainly. We find guys who work for themselves and not for a collective. There is a lack of organization, discipline, rigor. Those who do leisure do not understand the high level and effort that it requires. There is a lack of soul. Perhaps a certain comfort has been established at the club after COVID. It’s heartbreaking to see this atmosphere.”

jhmquotidien: What can you do as club president?
E. P. :
“In addition to being the president, I am mayor of Chamouilley, in the Agglo and I work. I’m only at the club on Wednesdays. At the end of 2021, beginning of 2022, I took over the presidency on an interim basis. We need to redefine a framework, rules and some people don’t want to and that’s disruptive. No matter how hard I punched my fist, there was no echo. I have always done things from my heart. I love the people and my club. This hurts my heart. I can also leave…”

jhmquotidien: Are you worried about the future of the club?
E. P. :
” Yes. Those who are going to leave are not the worst, far from it. Even finances concern me. I feel “undressed” without Francis (Clerget). I hope the club will bounce back, but without Francis (Clerget), it will be difficult…”
Collected by YT

Eugène Pérez (left), the president of Marnaval/Saint-Dizier, is not tongue-tied when he talks about the departure of Francis Clerget and the club’s difficulties. (File photo: AJ)

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2024-06-18 10:13:30
#Francis #Clerget #slams #door #MarnavalSaintDizier #club


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