Luis de la Fuente Stays Cautious: Reflects on Team’s Success and Plans for Next Steps

Luis de la Fuente continues to maintain caution. “The enthusiasm is free and we are the first, but we have our feet on the ground. We have to generate a positive feeling and the desire to achieve something important. What we are doing has a lot of merit. That has never happened in the history of Euro Cups or World Cups. win and keep a clean sheet.”

Management of the next few days without knowing the rival. “Now we will be awake some nights when we know who our rival is. We have to wait until Wednesday to find out who our rival is, but we are prepared for whoever arrives.”

Dani Olmo and Lamine. “This is a team and both Lamine and Dani are top players. I am glad that they stand out more collectively than individually. They generate a lot and that is good for the team.”

Believe that the situation is under control. “Our game plan has developed just as we had planned. Maybe in the second half we lost control a little, but they have shown that we have an excellent group. The round of 16 is going to demand more from us. I’m not worried about of scoring a goal per game in the last two. We generated and the path we are following is the right one. In the next one we will be much better.

He doesn’t give importance to being a favorite.“We are very happy that they recognize the talent we have, but it is worthless. The best will be in the round of 16, but being a favorite does not give it more value. We already know what Spain is like and one day you are at the top and the next you are worthless. “I recognize the footballers because they generate enthusiasm.”

Positive tests at all times. “Work of a committed group. Success is determined by balance. We would not have wanted that part of retreats that we have had in an open match, but there are players committed to the team, willing to work, to know how to suffer. And this team “He does it very well.”

Opportunities for everyone. “Today was a day that we wanted to win and for everyone who is available to play. There is one left, but we have managed to ensure that fewer Remiro have played. We wanted the center backs to have to play for a period each.”

Possibility to improve. “Of course we have room for improvement because we are not satisfied. Of course everything can be improved. I am the first.”

2024-06-24 21:58:54
#history #Euro #Cups #World #Cups #phase


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