Maëlan Rabut (Toulon) will join Oyonnax

Maëlan Rabut will no longer wear the colors of the RCT next season. However, doubt remained since the victory against Clermont (52-10) on June 2. The 27-year-old center was not included in the tribute ceremony for the departing players unlike Cornell du Preez, Jack Singleton, Bruce Devaux, Aymeric Luc, Adrien Warion and Waisea Nayacalevu. The Var club has in fact studied the possibility of keeping him, on condition of paying compensation to Oyonnax where the player had already officially signed up for the next two seasons.

Finally, Toulon backed down. Rabut, also followed by Vannes, promoted to Top 14, will therefore join Oyonnax in Pro D2. Regularly used in recent weeks by Pierre Mignoni’s staff, Rabut has played nine matches including the last three as a starter. His last appearance at Mayol will therefore remain the play-off lost against La Rochelle (29-34) on June 15.


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