Magnum Photography Agency Honored with Award Princess of Asturias for Iconic Work

The international photography agency Magnumcreated in 1947 by Robert Capawon this Wednesday in Spain the Award Princesa of Asturias de la Concordia, for their “iconic” work to capture in images “the most relevant events” of the world for almost eight decades.

Magnum is deserving of the award “for his iconic and demanding work of photojournalism extended over almost eight decades”, in which “it has guarded and transmitted the testimony of the most relevant events of its time,” the jury explained in its ruling.

The agency, which among its founding partners included Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour, all considered fathers of the photojournalismhas been an “an example of freedom of press and risk assumption,” continued the jury, headed by the regional president of Asturias, Adrián Barbón.

Established in 1981, the Awards Princesa of Asturias, named after the heir to the Spanish Crown, Leonor de Borbón, are endowed with 50,000 euros (almost 54,000 dollars) and a sculpture created by the late Catalan artist Joan Miró.

Magnum was born after Second Guerra World, as a project by Capa, the photographer who accompanied the allied troops in the landing in Normandy, and his three other partners, who formed a cooperative so that its members had total independence.

In that way, the photographers of Magnum They retain the copyright on their works and can market them.

– “And world fairer” –

With headquarters in Nueva YorkParis and London, Magnum He has published his photographs in the main media and magazines of the world. worldcomo The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, Paris Match or National Geographic, and many of its collaborators have been honored with individual exhibitions in important museums.

The agency’s archives, which have more than a million photographs, function as a visual record of the main events of recent decades, such as the Second Guerra World Cup, seen by Capa, speeches by Malcolm X, captured by Eve Arnold, or Fidel Castro’s entry into Havana in 1959, portrayed by Burt Glinn.

In 2007, the agency created the Magnum Foundation, to train photojournalists through scholarships, and in recent years has also carried out photo sales to raise funds to give to organizations such as the Red Cross in conflict zones, such as Ukraine, the Foundation indicated Princesa of Asturias in a statement.

“This award represents great support for the agency and encourages us to continue working on building a world fairer and away from extremes and fanaticism,” said the current president of Magnumthe Spanish Cristina de Middel, in a statement released by the foundation.

– Last award from 2024 –

Magnum joins a list of winners of the award to Concordia that includes the charitable organizations Doctors Without Borders and Caritas Española, the Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt, the British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and the European Union.

Last year, the British NGO Mary’s Meals won this trophy for its fight against hunger in schools.

The Concordia award is the last of the eight awards in the 2024 edition of the awards, considered the most prestigious of the world Ibero-American, which annually, and at the rate of one per week, the Foundation grants Princesa from Asturias.

Among the winners this year are the Spanish singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat, in the Arts section; the Franco-Iranian artist Marjane Satrapi, in Humanities; the Spanish badminton player Carolina Marín, in Sports, and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), in International Cooperation.

He award of Social Sciences went to the Canadian intellectual Michael Ignatieff, that of Letters to the Romanian poet Ana Blandiana and that of Scientific Research to five experts behind the anti-diabetes drug Ozempic.

The awards will be presented by Kings Felipe and Letizia and their daughters, in October in a ceremony in Oviedo, capital of Asturias.

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2024-06-12 15:34:38
#Princess #Asturias #Award #Magnum #Photography #Agency


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