Mallia, the Argentinian knife of Stade Toulousain

Whether he plays on the wing, in the center, at the back, or even as flyhalf, the Puma never drops in performance. A protean player who swears by work. And could win a fifth title in three years this Friday evening in the final against UBB.

Chatting with Juan Cruz Mallia is the assurance of having a big smile on your face. And be sure he will say “live a waking dream” and will utter the word work many times. Two antiphons which sum up his success at Stade Toulousain. Landed anonymously in January 2021 as Lucas Tauzin’s medical joker, the native of Cordoba couldn’t believe he was joining such a prestigious team, he whose future as a professional player had just been made uncertain by the disappearance of the Jaguares franchise. .

Fortunately, the coach of the surprise Super Rugby finalists in 2019, a certain… Gonzalo Quesada, would slip his name to the Toulouse manager, Ugo Mola. “I knew that the Stadium could go for it with its eyes closed. I even told them at the time that they could hold me responsible if it didn’t work out. Knowing his talent, I wasn’t really worried.the current Italy coach recently told Olympic Midday.

Mallia therefore arrives overnight in Toulouse. Without speaking French. Without knowing anyone. A month later, he played his first match, seriously injured his finger and took advantage of these two months of absence to learn the basics of the language of Molière. Enough to facilitate his integration, accelerated by his talent and, we get there, by his diligent work.

66 matches in the red and black jersey for 23 tries scored

“I had signed for six months, that left me little time to prove myself. After this short contract, I had nothing left. So I knew we had to do everything to make it work with Toulouse.” The work always pays off: the Puma with 34 selections signs a two-year contract (consenting without qualms a financial effort to get into the salary cap), which he has just extended for two more years (until in June 2026). To pursue your waking dream…

It must be said that since the start of 2021, he has come a long way. 66 matches in the red and black jersey, 23 tries scored, including a few for posterity, such as that in the final of the 2021 Champions Cup against Leinster, the only one scored during this meeting concluded with a fourth continental coronation for the Stadium Toulouse. Or like his double scored last Friday in the Top 14 semi-final against Stade Rochelais.

Asked about this latest performance, “JuanChi” – his nickname – answers us with humility. “I hardly did anything, just my job. The whole team worked well and I just had to push the ball into the goal.” We insist. He twice had to gain the upper hand over the last defender, Brice Dulin. “Winning my duel, my one-on-one, that’s my job when I play on the wing…”

My favorite position is back. But, as I often say, at Stade Toulousain, we play without a number on our backs

Juan Cruz Mallia

He is right to specify his position because Juan Cruz Mallia is extremely versatile: back, center, winger and even, now, fly-half. “My favorite position is fullback. But, as I often say, here, we play without numbers on our backs. On the field, we play everywhere. So no matter where I’m positioned, I only think about contributing to the team. And all my teammates do the same thing.” Not the type to steal the show. “The strength of this group is that we all work for the same goal. It doesn’t matter if you’re a starter, a substitute or if you’re not playing. We know that we all push each other, all week in training, to each earn their place. Everyone works for the common goal and that makes the team grow.”

But its ability to change positions and registers makes it a frequent recourse. In 2021, he won the Champions Cup as a center and, a month later, lifted the Brennus shield with the 14 on his back. This season ? Out of his 18 starts (for ten tries scored), he started five times at full-back, six times at fly-half and seven times on the wing. Rather unusual, even for him, but doubles and injuries had pushed Ugo Mola to give it a try. For undeniable success. Stade Toulousains crosses the doubles without drop in performance, 23 points out of 25 possible, and the Swiss army knife, sorry Argentinian, which takes responsibility for the shot on goal!

The secret of its performance? “Work.” Still and always. Which allowed Ugo Mola to start him without fear in the final of the Champions Cup five weeks ago on the wing against a big name like the Irishman James Lowe. One more title for the 27-year-old Argentinian (two Champions Cups and two Top 14s in three years) who can add one more Friday evening in Marseille against UBB in the final. “It’s incredible for our generation to be able to get another double”smiles Juan Cruz Mallia. The dream has long since become reality.


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