Markel Zubizarreta leaves his position as director of Women’s Football of the RFEF


The director of Women’s Football of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Markel Zubizarreta, announced this Friday that he will leave this position starting next week, which he arrived at the end of 2023, to accept an “irrejectable proposal” of a club that fits more into their “family context”.

In this way, the Basque manager arrived at the federation on November 23 as part of the changes assumed by the organization for the improvement of women’s football and supported by his experience at FC Barcelona, ​​whose sports management he had directed for six years.

Among their main missions could have been to relieve tension with those players who had given up returning to the national team, as is the case of FC Barcelona midfielder Patri Guijarro, who returned on the last list after almost two years of absence.

“The reason for the call-up is to announce that this week my relationship with the RFEF will end. It is a difficult and extremely complex decision and it is made in response to a proposal from the world of clubs that I honestly cannot refuse, given my family context and level of personal growth. It has been extremely difficult, but from a family perspective it has been impossible to say no,” confirmed Zubizarreta at a press conference.

2024-06-28 14:11:48
#Markel #Zubizarreta #leaves #position #director #Womens #Football #RFEF


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