Mastering Badminton: Understanding the Rules and Techniques

Initiator badminton: module 2: sports technical modules

Part 1: general knowledge and player guidance

Chapter1: general knowledge

1.1. Regulations

1.1.1. The start of the match

– Toss determines which player chooses whether to serve

– Opponent then chooses side of the playing field

– Winner serves in next game

1.1.2. Scoring

– Everything up to 21 points

– 2 games won = winner

– Player who wins rally serves in next rally

1.1.3. Extensions

– Score 20-20 => 2 points difference

– 29-29 => the game with the first 30 points is the winner

1.1.4. On duty

– With your own score => save right box

– Odd score => save left box

– Always hit a service diagonally opposite square

– In doubles, the serving side chooses who starts

oOnly switches servers when a point is lost and then regained

oThen serve from the other box by the 2nd player

– Service still received diagonally

– Receiving party decides who will wait for service first

– They do not change subjects after each point

– The player from the receiving side who last served is in the box corresponding to

their point => partner receives in other box

– If service is won, partner serves first from the box in which he was standing

1.1.5. Interval

– During the game you are entitled to a 1 minute break as soon as 1 player scores 11 points

– Both players are entitled to a 2-minute break between games

1.1.6. Change ends

– After every game

– Change in 3rd game after 1 player scores 11 points

1.1.7. Errors

– Following points considered incorrect

oPart of shuttle on service above waist of serving player

oBoth feet serving player not in service box

oRacket handle serving player does not point down when serving

oServing player hits next to shuttle

oShuttle falls outside the service court after service without being touched by the opponent

oShuttle lands outside the playing field or is hit under the net

2024-06-18 22:25:52
#Summary #badminton #Initiator #badminton #module #sports #technical #module #Part #general


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