Maturity, Rome: at Giulio Cesare (Venditti high school) the kids sing «Night before exams»

Emotion, anxiety and a few tears on the eve of graduation. In Rome, as per tradition, the students of the Giulio Cesare high school in Corso Trieste, the same one that Antonello Venditti attended and which inspired the song of the same name, sang “Night before exams” on the stairs at the entrance of the institute. Then a long round of applause, also of self-encouragement, for today, June 19th, the day of the first Italian test. Hundreds also gathered in Piazza Sempione in Montesacro: choirs and hugs, always to the tune of Venditti.

June 19, 2024


2024-06-19 08:15:00
#Maturity #Rome #Giulio #Cesare #Venditti #high #school #kids #sing #Night #exams


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