Maxime Maurrus: A Rising Star in French Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

A young teacher from the judo and jiu-jitsu club has just triumphed at the French Brazilian jiu-jitsu championships, held last weekend in Villebon-sur-Yvette (91). Maxime Maurrus, 21, won the title of French champion in the purple belt category – 64 kg. And this is not the first time that this talented resident of the Black Mountain has covered himself with glory. This is his fifth achievement in six years. Maurrus was crowned French Brazilian jiu-jitsu champion (2018); vice-champion of France in ne-waza (January 2019); vice-champion of France in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (June 2019) and French champion in ne-waza in January 2020.

This latest success will surely be celebrated during the Saissagais dojo gala on June 25 in the company of its 80 judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu students, children and adults.

2024-06-19 20:07:16
#Saissac #Maxime #Maurrus #French #Brazilian #jiujitsu #champion


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