Meet the Rising Stars of Alréen Dojo: Elodie Colleau and Lazare Makaridze

A week ago in Quimperlé, the Alréen Dojo won two medals at the Brittany Junior Championship. Elodie Colleau is vice-champion and Lazare Makaridze climbed to the third step of the podium. We met them.

Why did you choose judo?

Elodie: Everyone in the family does judo. My father, his brother, his sister… It made me want to try and I liked it too. This is my eighth year of judo.

Lazare: I have been in France for seven years. I have been doing judo for three years. In fact, my father did every sport except judo. He wanted to sign me up and I liked it.

What do you like about judo?

E: I learned to defend myself and made friends.

L: I would like to become a professional, to make my passion my profession. I know it’s hard. I will not give up. I will continue to work to give myself every chance of getting there. Otherwise, I would like to become a doctor.

How did your Brittany championship go?

L: I won my first two matches easily. I was penalized in the third. I made a forbidden hold in Benjamins. So I didn’t make it to the final. As I train with juniors I know all the techniques but you can’t do everything with juniors.

E. The first round was quite tough. The second one was easier. It was tough in the third and I lost in the final. With four medals, two gold in Morbihan, one gold and one silver in Brittany, I had a successful season.

Do you have any passions other than judo?

E: I like making cakes with icings.

L: I love cooking. I can prepare you a Georgian meal with Kinkalis (pronounced Rinkalis, a kind of large ravioli cooked in water, Editor’s note), and khachapuri, a type of cheese pizza.

Is there a title that catches your eye?

L: World Champion! I also dream of participating in the Olympic Games.

E: I practice judo more for my pleasure…

2024-06-04 04:32:57
#regional #medals #Auray #judo #club


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