Mexican Pacific ARCO League Prepares for 2024 Draft in Mazatlán

This Wednesday, June 26, the Mexican Pacific ARCO League celebrates, for the second consecutive year in Mazatlán, the 2024 Draft ahead of the start of the next winter campaign that will be put into action on October 13.

Ismael Barros Cebreros, Executive President of Venados de Mazatlán, announced that the red board was ready to move its pieces and strengthen the Buenos Aires team.

“The expectations are that it will be an excellent Draft, we prepare, we start working when the Caribbean Series ends, what do we need to strengthen the team for the next season and the future, we seek to strengthen in all aspects for today, medium and long term to have a competitive team.

“We are always open to changes with other clubs and there are always approaches, as always the base is important, at the moment our pitching has us worried and we will see tomorrow who we go for, we already had the last meeting to put together from plan A to plan C”, explained the Executive President of Venados.

The event will be held at the Viaggio Hotel and will begin at 12:00 p.m., with the presence of the directors of the 10 clubs that make up the league.

Mazatlán will seek to move its pieces, where it has 10th place in the National Draft and 4th in the Foreign Draft.

2024-06-26 01:49:08
#Mazatlán #deer #ready #LAMP #Draft


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