Mifune Judo Sports Association Holds Graduation Ceremony for Students

The graduation ceremony for all groups of the Mifune Judo sports association took place on June 25th at the “San Giuseppe U Timpuni” amphitheater.

The event coincided with the conclusion of lessons for the 2023/2024 sports year

Maestro Daniele Alfano’s students, divided into 4 groups from the youngest (4/5 years) to the oldest, also had the opportunity to perform in front of their parents and all those present.

The founder of judo master Jigoro Kano said: “When you go beyond the idea of ​​victory or defeat, the *way* of judo begins.”

Maestro Daniele adds: “For me, the beauty of being a “pre-competitor” is in the light-heartedness and awareness of leaving the competition mat smiling with the joy of having given my best regardless of the result. Judo is the best way to use physical and mental fitness, it allows you to know your own resources and limits, it serves to channel emotions and energy, to face difficult situations with the right attitudeo “

Satisfied with the results achieved by his students and helped by the older ones, the teacher then handed over the belts, each of the color relating to the level achieved.

At the end, all the students together threw the old belts in the air as you can see in the suggestive video

belt delivery, Daniele Alfano, judo, lessons, mifune judo, modica

2024-06-30 17:55:37
#Mifune #Judo #closes #lessons #presentation #belts


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