Mini-Judo: A Fun and Positive Experience for Young Children

Since the beginning of this year, children aged three and above have been able to romp around on the judo mat at SV Mackensen and gain their first experiences in the martial art.
In addition to trying out many different forms of movement, the young judoka can also compete in playful fights with simple rules and experience their bodies in a different way.
However, judo with such small people requires a special approach: On the one hand, there is always an adult accompanying person at the edge of the mat.
The moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas are included in the action on the judo mat, create obstacles in a game, have the little athletes demonstrate the backward fall exercise, help them learn new techniques or slip into the role of masseurs during the relaxation at the end of each training session.

On the other hand, it is also important to take the children’s mental and physical characteristics into account. Techniques such as holds, releases or fall exercises must be converted into versions suitable for small children, the young muscles must be strengthened and rules must be simplified so that cooperation on the sports field is possible.
Now, after six months of mini-judo, trainer Charline (Shorty) Specht draws a thoroughly positive conclusion. It is not without reason that even the youngest children in other countries are trying out judo: playful tests of strength help to get to know both your own limits and those of your opponents and thus gain experience that is also useful outside of the judo mat.

After the summer break, the young judoka meet again on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the hall of the RvD school in Dassel. Participation is free for club members. External interested parties are invited to a non-binding trial lesson.

2024-06-03 14:03:36
#BlauWeiß #Mackensen #months #minijudo #Mackensen #assessment


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