Monsieur Rançon: The Latest Original Play from Dolmissois Comedians Simon Trottier and Mat Lévesque

After Jean-Claude’s funeral home and community TV, Dolmissois comedians Simon Trottier and Mat Lévesque will present from July 16 to August 22 their third original play entitled Monsieur Rançon as part of the Théyâtre du bien beau, a joint project started in 2022.

“This year, we went into the burlesque detective universe with an amateur kidnapper who gave himself the code name Mr. Ransom and who kidnapped a high-ranking person in the safe industry. The main duo of the play will be made up of two investigators who will go looking for Mr. Rançon,” says Simon Trottier.

The setting in which these burlesque characters will come to life will be divided between the investigators’ office which will take place on stage and the investigation in the field through video sequences.

“In other shows we’ve done, the video footage served as a humorous transition and didn’t necessarily contribute to the story. This year, we wanted the video presentations to really relate to the two main characters and for there to be a continuation of the narrative. We set the bar very high this year with this portion of the show,” continues Mat Lévesque.


The two comedians have always managed to stand out from traditional summer theater troupes through their script and staging in which they push their craziest ideas to the end.

“Le Théyâtre with this spelling remains a nod to the fact that we are not professional actors, we are comedy professionals. The goal is not to reinvent the wheel, but more to make it turn in our own way. It remains our humor and the complicity we have together,” mentions Simon Trottier.

The Théyâtre du bien beau consolidates its place year after year in the region’s theater circuit and is now positioned as a key part of the cultural offerings in the Maria-Chapdelaine sector.

“We invite people to come and discover us. We had spectators last year who told us that they were going to the Dame-en-Terre and who discovered something different when they came here. It’s the only theater in the world and it’s in the north of the lake that it happens,” adds Simon Trottier.


The duo can count on solid support from the community, whether in the form of financial or material assistance, from several companies in the sector. The two comedians wish to emphasize the importance of this support.

“The sponsors come on board with us and that allows us to make a living from our profession here in the region,” conclude the two comedians.

The 18 performances will take place from 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week and spectators can bring their drinks as in previous years. Tickets are on sale now on the website

2024-06-26 19:14:26
#Théâtre #bien #beau #returns #3rd #summer


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