Nantes International Badminton Challenge: A Game-Changer for the Region

With less than a month and a half before the Olympic Games, the enthusiasm for badminton in the region should get a big boost. World-class players from the top 50 will be at La Trocardière from Thursday 13 to Sunday 16. Adeline Sergent, the tournament director, is counting on this event to achieve “local and regional influence and reach a wide audience”. “We are expecting more than 8,000 spectators and 2,200 schoolchildren during the week,” she announces. For this third edition, the director explains: “we chose to pamper our spectators”. For this, three categories of tickets will be sold, including a premium category, “to allow people who want to follow the match as closely as possible”. Another new feature is that the tournament is part of the “eco event” approach for a more responsible competition. A partnership with the Solibad France association will also put a player’s racket up for grabs in a raffle to finance projects for populations in difficulty.

Local headliners and hopefuls

The third French tournament welcomes 300 international players from 24 countries, including more than 70 French players in all categories. Among them, the French top seeds Alex Lanier, 39th in the world, and Arnaud Merklé, 43rd in the world, will be present. The Spaniard Pablo Abiàn will be in full preparation for the Olympics. Other young badistas like Arsène Serre, 17 years old and vice-champion of France and U17 European champion in doubles, and Adèle Filloneau, quadruple champion of France and bronze medalist at the European championships, will be able to thrill the public. The Vendéen and the Nantaise will be associated in the mixed doubles tournament, and are aiming for the main draw. “The tournament makes you want to play, it’s a source of pride and even an honor to start in the senior world in Nantes” confided Arsène Serre during the tournament presentation. His mixed doubles partner is no less enthusiastic. “The infrastructures are not bad for the level of the tournament, with players coming from everywhere.” Faced with the talents and conditions of the competition, Adeline Sergent has only one message to convey: “Come and see the speed of the steering wheel”.

For more information on the Nantes International Challenge, consult the Nantes Sport Journal for June 2024

Melvin Broucque

2024-06-07 21:09:31
#Badminton #Forza #Nantes #International #Challenge #taste #Olympics..


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