National Archery Championship Draws 278 Participants from 25 Clubs

278 participants representing 25 clubs are present!

Saturday June 22 from 12:30 p.m. took place at the Léo Lagrange stadium in Chalon-sur-Saône, more precisely on the lawn of the Louis Brailly rugby stadium, the National Archery Championship organized by the archery section of Eveil de Chalon.

A competition which took place in the presence of Pierre Carlot, Sports Assistant, Monique Brédoire, Municipal Councilor, delegate for relations with sports associations, Séverine Bresset, President of Awakening, assisted by Sylvie Jury, Vice-president, of Françoise PerraultHead of the GR section, Sébastien Ouglisresponsible for the Chalon Awakening Archery and around fifty volunteers.

Info-chalon was present for the pairs competition where 278 archers were on the shooting range, supervised by 8 referees and 2 officials of the French Archery Federation.

Listed in category youngest born between 2012 et 2023

And in the adult category 18 years and over (adults, seniors and veterans)

The archers were also classified either in category recurve bow, or in the compound bow category.

Wink to the friendly refreshment bar volunteers

Sunday June 23, from 9 a.m. will take place the National individual, Come as many to encourage them !

The photo reportage


2024-06-23 05:54:50
#Saturday #June #Sunday #June #Arc #lEveil #archery #section #organizing #National #Championship


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