National team landed in Malpensa after the flop of the European Championships

The clouds and the heat of Malpensa are the backdrop to the sad return of the Azzurri. The day after the defeat against Switzerland, Spalletti’s national team returns home from Germany with their heads down. Very few fans arrived at the airport, in an atmosphere a lifetime removed from what happened three years ago after the Wembley triumph against England. This is the postcard of failure.


The day after the defeat against Switzerland, in the round of 16 of Euro 2024, was marked by a melancholy routine. In the morning there was a joint press conference by federal president Gabriele Gravina and coach Luciano Spalletti. Together with the mea culpas, they confirmed the desire to look ahead and not to give up on a project now projected towards the 2026 World Cup. Then, preparations and departure from Dortmund airport after 4pm. Then, the silent stopover at Malpensa around 6.30pm, with the descent of Inter players and others who live in the North. Shortly afterwards, the new departure for Rome (arrival expected around 7.30pm). A desolate return, far from the crowds with chants and flags reserved for the Azzurri upon arrival in Germany. Three weeks ago, with very different expectations.

2024-06-30 16:33:07
#National #team #landed #Malpensa #flop #European #Championships


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