New Automatic Discount Service for Sports Facility Usage Fees in Jeonju Area

‘Automatic discount service for sports facility usage fees’ from July

[전주=뉴시스] Jeonju Facility Corporation Headquarters, Hwasan Sports Park

[전주=뉴시스] Reporter Yun Nan-seul = From now on, those eligible for discounts on sports facility usage fees in the Jeonju area of ​​North Jeolla Province will be able to receive discounts without any supporting documents by simply filling out a ‘Personal Information Use Consent Form.’

Jeonbuk Jeonju Facilities Corporation announced on the 28th that it will implement an ‘automatic discount service for sports facility usage fees’ starting July 1st.

According to the Jeonju City Sports Facility Management and Operation Ordinance, organ donors, basic livelihood security recipients, people with national merit, employees of public institutions relocated to innovative cities, families with three or more children, and multicultural families receive a 50% discount on usage fees when using Jeonju City sports facilities.

In addition, families with two or more children receive a 20% discount, and registered organ donors receive a 10% discount.

The Corporation has been receiving supporting documents one by one from those eligible for discounts and verifying their eligibility, but in the process, many complaints have been raised.

In the case of spouses of actual national meritorious persons, the documents required for fee discount are a total of four: a family relationship certificate, a national meritorious person certificate, and a copy of the ID of the applicant and spouse.

Users who fail to prepare supporting documents are not only unable to receive discounts, but are also expressing dissatisfaction with the time and cost required to prepare the documents.

The industrial complex reported that because of this, malicious complaints containing abusive language and insults are continuing to pour in.

Accordingly, the Corporation decided to confirm the eligibility of the target for reduction through the ‘Administrative Information Joint Use Center’ of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and immediately reduce the usage fee.

To this end, 12 facilities of the public corporation have been registered as facilities eligible for immediate discount on public facility usage fees in Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province.

The target facilities are two swimming pools, Wansan and Deokjin, three national sports centers, Donaegisaem, Raon, and Eoullim, Hwasan Gymnasium and Ice Rink, an indoor golf practice range, a Workers’ Welfare Center, an inline roller skating rink, a World Cup golf course, and an indoor badminton court.

Chairman Koo Dae-sik said, “I expect that convenience for citizens will greatly increase as users will no longer have to spend time and money preparing documents,” adding, “We will continue to proactively implement administrative measures to reduce inconvenience for users and improve work efficiency for employees.”

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

2024-06-28 10:03:08
#Jeonju #Facilities #Corporation #Reduction #sports #facility #usage #fees #supporting #documents #Sympathy #Media #Newsis #News #Agency


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