New Era Begins with Lolo Encinas at Real Valladolid Baloncesto

Year I post Paco García. New coach, new basketball. The arrival of Lolo Encinas as a replacement for the ‘fallen’ Paco García, blessed by the environment, leaves an exciting message, far from the doubts that could initially be created by the elongated, tremendously elongated shadow of Paco García being projected onto his person. But Encinas’ message, plain, direct and without any apparent ego, casually following the line of the good words spoken about him and his work by authoritative voices in the sport of basketball who coincided with Lolo Encinas over the last few years , they go deep to put out the fire and the confusion created by the non-continuity of Paco García at the helm of UEMC Real Valladolid Baloncesto.

In his first public appearance, Lolo Encinas showed the main lines of his basketball. A basketball to say the least different. «You have to make a team, get your planning right. If you are capable, as we have seen this weekend, of building a group, a team that plays basketball well, we will see where we will be. We are not going to give up anything. For the spectator it will be very cool, for you probably too, for those inside it will be a headache every week, but I think we will see basketball that we haven’t seen in a long time. This is Valladolid, we are going to try together to lead the team in the best possible way.

Lolo Encinas escorted by the general director Enrique Peral and by the president Lorenzo Alonso in his first appearance as coach of Real Valladolid Baloncesto.RVB

Who said fear? Far from becoming wrinkled, Lolo Encinas gives hints of his method, of his exciting basketball projected at Gipuzkoa Basket. «Pepe (Catalina) is already working like an animal, in these 48 hours we are talking about things, but here whoever comes has to evolve, the team has to reach its maximum. There is no one above the club and no player will be. He is above all the people, the fans and the shirt. I am not going to ask the Club for anything that I cannot achieve, I will adapt to what the team gives me. There won’t be any figurines. I’m not going to sign two stars and 8 to spend the week for them. “He has to win Real Valladolid,” he stated, making it clear that he is fleeing from the ‘stars’ in pursuit of the group.

«There is no one above the club and no player is going to be. I don’t want to depend on one»Lolo Encinas

Lolo Encinas spoke about his predecessor in office, revealing that he was congratulated by him. «Paco has achieved extraordinary results, making playoffs, Final Four and playoffs. What he has done is very difficult, he is a great coach and I have a nice challenge. Paco is a great guy, I get along well with him. Yesterday I exchanged messages and he congratulated me. My style is different, yes, I like to play more in transition, give the player freedom when arriving, I shoot threes a lot and if a shooter is alone, he has to do it. I play a little like that, open, dynamic. “Children want to see points, if we want to bring them, I like people to have fun and play running.”

«For the spectator it is going to be a very cool basketball. We are not going to give up anything»Lolo Encinas

The new Real Valladolid coach is not worried about being compared to his predecessor. “I put the pressure on myself with my team and the Club, to try to win the maximum number of games and that whoever comes to Pisuerga must suffer, because if they want to beat us they have to give up their lives.”

Lolo Encinas, with the Pucela.RVB scarf

After the hiring of Lolo Encinas, the next step will be to activate ‘Operation Renew’. «There are players from this year who I hope will enter, I would like to. I don’t believe in changing 11 players every year. We’ll see the style, Pepe knows them, we’re talking. “I would like to keep some of the block, you have had very good seasons.”

«I would like to keep some players from this past season’s block»Lolo Encinas

The question was obligatory. Will Devin Schmidt continue? LoloEncinas spoke between the lines. “You have to make a team and then get performance out of many players, but I wouldn’t like to depend on one.”

The Guipuzcoan technician gave nuances about the construction of the new project. “It is very important to make the team now, then it is patches. The team has to be made in the summer, then adding a player is very difficult.”

The quarry was also analyzed by Lolo Encinas. “I will speak with the Club. I come for the first team and I know that there are very valid people in the youth team. I like that the people here participate in the training sessions and that they see that the kids can achieve. “I don’t want the quarry to go one way and the first team another.”

2024-06-13 23:14:54
#message #coach #Real #Valladolid #Basketball #deep


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