Niners Chemnitz Extends Contracts of Key Players After Successful Season

Chemnitz (dpa) – According to consistent media reports, the basketball Bundesliga club Niners Chemnitz is tying some key players beyond the summer after an extremely successful season. Captain Jonas Richter as well as Jeff Garrett and Aher Uguak have signed new contracts with the club, as the “Freie Presse” and the online portal Tag24 reported. DeAndre Lansdowne also prematurely extended his contract, which ran until 2025, until 2026. This was announced at the Saxons’ end-of-season celebration.

Chemnitz won the Fiba Europe Cup this season. In the Bundesliga, they reached the playoff semi-finals. However, they were defeated by Alba Berlin despite a 2-1 lead in the series.

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2024-06-09 19:31:40
#Basketball #Media #Niners #Chemnitz #key #players #Sport


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