Novak Djokovic’s Return to Wimbledon: Defying the Odds Once Again?

Will Novak Djokovic once again defy the odds? The Serbian’s presence at Wimbledon (July 1-14), barely more than three weeks after having undergone an arthroscopy of his right knee, following an injury during his round of 16 at Roland-Garros against the Argentinian Francisco Cerúndolo, appeared highly improbable.

“That he will be 100% within three weeks, that still seems unlikely,” confided his surgeon, Antoine Gerometta, a few days after the operation on June 5 at the Sports Clinic in Paris. While specifying that with a champion of such size, the possibility of an early return to competition should not be ruled out.

And now, according to the BBC, the 37-year-old player, who had to withdraw before his quarter-final at Porte d’Auteuil, decided to travel to London on Monday and test his articulation on the pitch of the All England Club, a week before the start of the London Major. It must be said that the now 3rd in the world has already resumed physical training, as shown by images published on his social networks on Thursday. We see him running and trying, without forcing, to serve. “Tennis, I missed you!” We continue to build day after day,” he wrote under his video post. According to Serbian media, he even resumed tennis training straight away, in Montenegro.

Djokovic contacted Fritz who had succeeded in this bet in 2021

It is too early to know if the Serb will play Wimbledon, but he is giving himself every chance. With, in mind, the example of Taylor Fritz. Three years ago, the American left Roland-Garros on a wheelchair after injuring his right meniscus. Operated immediately, he succeeded in his challenge of playing in London, where he reached the third round.

Moreover, “Nole” recently contacted Fritz on this subject, as the world number 12 revealed this week at Queen’s. “I told him how it went for me,” he said. It mostly depends on the inflammation and how you react to it. Everyone is different. You regain almost all your strength immediately, it’s more the inflammation after the operation that counts. If you can reduce it and start playing without it swelling again, you will be able to play. »

The next few days will be decisive for Djokovic, who will also aim for Olympic gold in Paris this summer.

2024-06-22 15:55:20
#Novak #Djokovic #arrives #London #Monday #test #week #Wimbledon


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