“Now, on to the Budgets” | SPORT

“Now, for Budgets”, recognizes a member of the Council of Ministers. That is the milestone that the Government has set for itself. Without losing sight of the political situation in Catalonia and the fear, which, they admit, is increasingly real, of a new electoral callThe feeling that the socialist Salvador Illa will not get the support of ERC to be president of the Generalitat is beginning to grow; at the same time, those who have said from the beginning that it would be achieved “at the last minute” are still adamant.

But, apart from the “Catalan question”, despite the fact that “it marks everything”, the Government has set the approval of new ones as a priority State’s general budgets. Introduce them “in a timely manner”that is, approved on the last Tuesday of September and taken to Congress for processing in October. Accounts that will not be sent to Parliament if there is no prior consensus. And once this July the ‘spending ceiling’ and deficit targets are approved.

They believe that its approval would help to consolidate the legislature and dispel all the predictions of a new appointment with the polls before time. And to reinforce the message that Pedro Sánchez has repeatedly given that it remains “Government for a while” and legislature ahead.

In fact, from his seat, and after a face to face as rough as ever with Alberto Núñez FeijóoOn Wednesday, Sánchez addressed the House of Representatives to send a message “to all of you: there are three years left in the legislature, and many agreements to be reached.”

These words from the President of the Government took place in the last session of control of the Executive in the Lower House and not even 24 hours after the PSOE and the PP had signed the first major pact since Sánchez arrived at La Moncloa in June 2018.

The agreement, which puts an end to five years of blocking the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, is seen by many as a “new stage” in the relations between the Popular Party and the Socialists. But, far from reality, the PSOE and Moncloa frame it as a return to democratic “normality”, when the main opposition party reached agreements with the Government…until the PP was erased”, as Ferraz points out so that we do not lose sight of the fact that the delay in this agreement was due to the Popular Party.

With his words, and as has been seen these days also with actions, Sánchez is committed to exhausting the legislature and “continuing with the majority of the investiture until the end.”

The socialists are leaving it to the PP and, especially Feijóo, to develop the strategy they consider in these days “to manage the agreement internally” and that is why they understand the attitude he used in the face-to-face meeting with Sánchez. At that time, the president of the Executive was conciliatory and open to more agreements, while the president of the PP maintained his criticism to the point of asserting that “there is no possible democratic regeneration while (Sánchez) remains president”. The same position as always, attacking Sánchez, who he even asked for explanations about the information from his family environment that caused the president to sigh: “You are the fat bitch”.

If the agreement had not been signed between Félix Bolaños and Esteban González Pons in Brussels, with the unprecedented fund of the European Commission for a national matter, it would seem that nothing has changed this week. And the Government’s argument would prevail, boasting of agreements and economic situation in the face of a PP that was raised, according to Moncloa, in the “mud machine.”

And that is the same feeling that some in the PSOE cling to in order to prove that the PP is in the same position as always and that “there is no grand coalition that is worth it” after the pact, when Feijóo accuses us of being Nicaragua. “I don’t think the PP is going to change,” admits a member of the Government.

Why “If the PP had it in its power to overthrow the Government, it would do so”, they say in the Executive, so they know that the current good relationship is limited to the “distribution” of positions that they need – and that has always been done this way – between the two main parties, although in some cases counting on other parties. Because “the opposition party has always been necessary to approve certain things that require a qualified majority in Congress,” they point out in the socialist ranks. And, of course, their sense of smell is far from failing. Pons’s compliment dedicated to Bolaños, his “it’s almost the beginning of a friendship,” has echoed in the popular high command itself, honoring the maxim according to which “no water to the enemy.”

For this reason, the Government “does not change the legislature” and they continue to support the partners “of the investiture”, although now they have to dismantle the “jealousy” of the partners, who “do not want us to make a pact with the PP” because it seems that they are “less influential”. And this is where the materialization of commitments already reached, for example, with Junts, is framed.

Before the arrival of the holidays, longed for by many in the corridors of Congress because “we are saturated” after the electoral cycle, there is one month of July left with plenary sessions for the appointment of the members of the CGPJ and the forecast of new agreements between PSOE and PP, among others, to appoint the person to head the Bank of Spain. But nothing more, because “given what has been seen, I think that little will be agreed with the PP”, they conclude from Moncloa.

2024-06-30 05:26:55
#Budgets #SPORT


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