Nuria Terroba Earns Bronze Medal in Spanish Regional Team Championship with Madrid Team

Nuria Terroba has won a valuable bronze medal with the Madrid team in the Spanish Regional Team Championship RFETA Promises

28/06/2024:The Club Arqueros 10 Galapagar has achieved a new success at national level in the Spanish Championship of regional teams with the participation of the Galapagueña archer, Nuria Terroba, together with the team from the Community of Madrid.

Last weekend, the third round of the RFETA Ibredrola Junior, Cadet and Under 14 National League was held, with Nuria representing her in the compound bow category. The young representative from Galapagos finished the qualifying round in a great fourth position, while in the eliminatory rounds she fell in the quarter-finals, leaving her at the gates of the fight for the medals.

His excellent role in the qualifying phase of the tournament allowed him to earn a place in the Spanish Regional Team Championship in the Madrid team, along with Lucía and Pablo, finishing the competition in third place and achieving a creditable bronze medal at the national level. .

2024-06-28 10:35:41
#medal #Galapagos #archery


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