Osasuna rejects an offer from Girona for Aimar Oroz

In the search for a better wardrobe background that ensures optimal competitiveness in the season in which, for the first time in history, the Girona will face three competitions –League, Copa i Champions League– suddenly, there are many names on the sports management table led by Quique Cárcel. The latest to come to light is that ofAimar Oroza twenty-two-year-old Navarrese midfielder from Osasuna, whom Míchel would like to incorporate. Navarra Diary advanced that the white-and-red club has already sent a formal offer for the footballer, of almost six million euros, that those of Pamplona they have refused The clause is 28 million, a figure to which those of Montilivi will not even come close.

According to the same media, it was last Friday when Girona’s proposal took place, following the instructions of their coach. Oroz, who has played 33 League games this season, 26 as a starter, is an express wish of Míchel, who sees him as an ideal complement that will be added without problems to the midfield formed mainly by Aleix Garcia, Iván Martin i Yangel Herrera. A midfield that will probably be orphaned of one of these pieces. Knob especially the one ofUlldeconawhich is a debate between Bayer Leverkusen and the West Ham; while Bilbao is of interest to Athletic. We’ll see, there’s a lot of summer left.

Oroz is an associative footballer, capable of breaking lines and also a good reader of the game, which fits perfectly with the football philosophy that Míchel has been implementing since his arrival. Osasuna, in principle, contemplated his renewal and, in fact, has a principle of agreement with the footballer to extend a link that ends in 2026. In the information, it is explained that Oroz will not force the exit of his club , with whom he is closely linked, but it is not ruled out that if a strong enough offer arrives, he will pack his bags, both from the perspective of the footballer and that of the club itself, which claims to be a seller. Navarrese could be summoned with Spain for the Paris Olympic Games and that would delay his preseason.

Debut at seventeen

It was May 31, 2019, during a visit by Osasuna to Córdobawhen Oroz, with only seventeen years, made his debut with the red shirt, then a Second Division. It premiered with Jagoba Arrasate, coach until this summer, and his main supporter in the ascension that took place in recent years. In total, the footballer has only played two seasons with the first team, the last two, before combining his -testimonial- presence with minutes in the subsidiary. Last year, at twenty-one years old, he was one of the sensations of the team a First Divisionthe one that ended with the classification for the Conference League, a dream that Girona also aspired to. Both teams played the place, with Athletic’s permission, in a last day at the Kingdom of Navarre which ended with double of Budimir and the return, with empty hands, of the Girona expedition to Catalonia.

31 games in the first season, assuming a leading offensive role on the field, and 33 in this second, where he has experienced a kind of consolidation. Oroz has been an important footballer under Arrasate, but this summer he is coming Vicente Moreno on the bench and it will be seen if the role will remain the same, or not. And if Girona, which offers him the showcase of the Champions League, bursts in with determination, beyond downward offers, a cocktail full of factors will be associated that will condition the viability of an operation that is still in an initial phase.

The name of Oroz joins the already known of Luciano RodriguezUruguayan striker of the Liverpool de Montevideo; Ladislav Krejcicentral de l’Sparta Prague; Oriol Romeu, Barça midfielder; Renato TapiaCelta midfielder and a long etcetera to which the goalkeeper of the Tenerife Juan Sorianoaccording to the journalist Matteo Moretto.

It is not only about the players who can come in, but the main focus of attention of the sports management also falls on those who can leave.

2024-06-10 15:42:25
#Osasuna #rejects #offer #Girona #Aimar #Oroz


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