Oscar Jégou after Toulouse-La Rochelle: “It’s sad”

“What feeling prevails after a defeat like this?
We had the means to win it. We can talk about lots of things, cards etc, but it’s a shame because we have the experience to win matches like that. It’s sad. The score doesn’t really reflect the match. The team is disappointed.

Even at 14 and then at 13, we felt that La Rochelle was not abandoned and could still come back into the match…
Yes, completely. We believed in it so much that even at 13, we continued to work. We felt that things could swing to our side. But we didn’t know how to take advantage of the opportunities and after the 60th, it was too late.

Is this melee in the Toulouse 22m, just before Reda Wardi’s red, the turning point of the match?
Yes. We choose to resume the scrum after the penalty, we must put it at the bottom. The scrum was pretty stable, we need to get it out again. We’ll see you again on Monday. Speaking in the heat of the moment is a bit complicated. There were opportunities to win this match.

What’s going on with Reda Wardi in the scrum?
Reda is teased and he responds. Once again, it’s not the cards’ fault tonight. Everyone has to challenge themselves and win these matches. We have been playing in the finals for several years, we must be able to win these matches.

How were Reda Wardi and Uini Atonio after the match?
Reda and Uini had their little words. They were very disappointed. We are not going to close ourselves off to them. Once again, it is the responsibility of the entire team.

“We have the impression that it often works in their favor”

Personally, how did you experience this meeting?
It’s complicated because I’m very competitive. I’m not content with playing a semi-final. I would have liked to go to the end. It’s very hard, it’s my club and it’s expensive. It’s Toulouse again…

Toulouse again?
We have the impression that they have a certain chance against us, whether on cards, on turning points of the match which they manage to win. We give them everything every time. They use our playing mistakes, these are situations that we have often seen. Taking cap tests like that hurts your mind. We have the impression that it often works in their favor. It’s often against them that we make mistakes that we don’t make during the season. »

2024-06-22 07:34:28
#Oscar #Jégou #ToulouseLa #Rochelle #sad


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