Oviedo will begin interviews with candidates for coach this weekend and acknowledges two offers for Bretones

Carrión’s abrupt departure, although expected by the majority, has put Oviedo in a situation of relative urgency. Less than two weeks before the start of the preseason, the club does not have a coach and although the Carbayona entity is aware of the urgency, they do not want to take a wrong step and secure the election.

“It is a decision that we want to be brief but we must be prudent. Decisions must be made calmly and with time. We are not in an exaggerated hurry either, we are visualizing options, candidates. The profile we are looking for is the one Oviedo had this campaign, propose, be an attractive team, move forward, also balanced. We have nothing planned. We have not had any interviews with any coach. We are profiling,” Martín Peláez told the media after the presentation of the season ticket holder campaign.

The club is still in this period of analysing the situation and gathering reports on the candidates. One of the most popular players in the club is Luis García, formerly of Espanyol, valued for his daring style and character. He has several voices in his favour at the club and one difficulty: his contract with the Qatar Federation, where he is second to Tintín Márquez. But there are other profiles that attract attention, such as Slavisa Jokanovic or Pacheta, who are waiting in the background.

The focus is on the bench, but also beyond. Oviedo is also making progress on other fronts in terms of the squad configuration. Agustín Lleida, general manager, spoke to the media yesterday to explain how the squad is doing two weeks before the start of the preseason.

“We are exploring profiles in the market. We will have someone who meets the parameters. This weekend there will be several conversations with candidates. We will try to make the decision as soon as possible, but we cannot make a mistake. There are several technicians on the list, when If we have it, we will announce it and we will push it like we did with Luis Carrión,” said the general director of Oviedo, who referred to the decision made by Carrión: “It was a hard moment for us, I’m sure it was also for him. He made that decision, he left. of Oviedo, and he will have his reasons. We wish him the best, because he has given us a lot, he has been committed and he has excited people. And now we have to turn the page, Carrión arrived without making a noise and another one will arrive without making a noise.

Regarding the state of the squad, Lleida explained that “in some things we have made progress and in others we have to wait to get the coach’s opinion, which will be important.” He also referred to the situation of those loaned out last year by the Group: “We have not discussed the loans, we are waiting for the new coach, but as they are home-grown players, we will make the easy decisions. I am more worried about the loans from outside.”

And one of the names in doubt is that of Bretones, for whom Osasuna is bidding to take him to Pamplona. “We have had two Primera offers for Abel on paper and so far they have not met expectations. We wait to see if the market is close to what we asked for and if not we will count on him: he will be very important in the project.”

Finally, the leader spoke about the future blue sports city, which is expected to be in La Manjoya. “We are working on the permits. We had thought of announcing something today but we decided to leave it for when it is more defined. When we have the project in hand we will explain to our people what the new home of Real Oviedo will be like.”

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2024-06-27 20:08:39
#Oviedo #interviews #candidates #coach #weekend #acknowledges #offers #Bretones


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