Oyarzabal: “If you want to win the Euro Cup you have to beat everyone. “No matter what you touch…”

Mikel Oyarzabal was one of the four captains of the senior team when Luis de la Fuente was appointed coach. He did not correspond to him due to his seniority, but the man from Éibar is one of the Haro coach’s trusted men and he made it known to everyone in that way. Mikel has overcome a serious injury and affirms that this makes him “value playing football more, being available, being in a European Championship, whether you like it or not, it is a unique event. You have to give more value to things because if not, when you are not well, you notice it.”

-You are one of the players who has known Luis de la Fuente the longest. How has he changed as a coach and as a person?

-As a person he is the same, he is someone with experience and with many years in football. Someone who knows how this works and I think that as a person he has not changed. Obviously, you improve aspects, you experience things that make you improve and in the end that is a constant learning process both in life and in football, which makes you evolve every day. In personal dealings he is the same.

-Players like you, Merino, Rodri, Ferran Torres or Dani Olmo They are the core of this selection. Footballer in whom De la Fuente has always trusted and who he likes to say that you are “the glue” of the group.

-Veteran people are often more important, people who have been here in football for many years and who have more experience. Or the young people who give you that dynamism, that nerve that is often needed. A nerve you have when you’re young and don’t care about anything. In the end you bring out a little more of who you are. I think it’s about all of us together, unique and each with their own thing, making a good group. And I think we have done that.

-What does Mikel Oyarzabal bring to this team?

-I try to contribute what I can. If it’s my turn to play and if it’s not. I try to be ready, to be prepared for when the opportunity comes. In training I try to give it my all, to push and so that the person next to me also has to push to improve so that the competition is greater. Which is beneficial for everyone.

-You have been through several national teams with different players and different generations. How would you rate this German team?

-(Takes some time to respond)… I would tell you that it is an easy selection, a selection in which you don’t care who you are with, you don’t care who you talk to. The conversations arise in a simple way and I think that is appreciated.

-It seems that the internal wars and club divisions within the national team have become a thing of the past.

-It seems that the club thing is a little forgotten or left aside and I think that in the end it is positive that everyone who comes does so on merit, because the coach wants it and regardless of which team they are from.

You arrive at this Euro Cup date after having gone through an injury that left him out of action for many months. Has that changed the way you understand football or enjoy it?

I often say this to my teammates, especially those who haven’t experienced bad situations or injuries. When you don’t play a good game or don’t have a good day for whatever reason, you get angry and you’re a little different, as is normal. But I think you have to give it the right amount of time and turn it around as soon as possible. When you suffer an injury or go through a difficult moment, you value playing football more, being available, being in a European Championship, whether you like it or not, it’s a unique event. You have to give more value to things because if not, when you’re not well, you notice it.

Mikel Oyarzabal leads the Spanish expedition on one of the trips to Germany / Pablo Garcia/RFEF

-During his absence due to injury, He never missed a call from De la Fuente. He prides himself on always being attentive to the injured.

-I never missed his call. He is positive and that also speaks of his way of being, of his personal treatment, which I think is positive. It is important that in those difficult moments you have communication and the help of Luis and so many others who are there helping you. In those moments it is good that someone

this one to give you a pat on the back when you need it.

-The coach also boasts about his team of collaborators. What are the members of the national team staff like?

-Your team is like Luis. When a person is one way, his environment is also similar and everything will move that way so that it flows and everything remains the same on the same wavelength as the coach. It is very easy to live with them. It is a very easy group to get along with and in the end when you are there for so many days, and hopefully we still have a few more left, that makes everything much easier.

-Real Sociedad is the team with the greatest representation in this selection. What does that data tell you?

-On the one hand it is a source of pride because it shows that things at the club are being done well and from the outside the work being done there is valued. And on the other hand, whether you like it or not, in the end it makes it a little more bearable and friendly, because you get to hang out more with the five from the club. At each meal we usually stay once the five of us have finished and a few others who get together to chat and spend a while together. And that is something positive for the coexistence of the group.

-There are also a few from Athletic, is there a bite?

-Yes, of course there is pique. There is rivalry with Athletic, but it is very healthy. We have a good relationship with all the players there. The fans obviously have that rivalry, which is always seen to be healthy. In networks or on the street there is always someone who crosses the line, but there is that everywhere. I think, in general, it is something that people envy about us.

This team is full of football nomads who packed their bags and embarked on adventures in other leagues and other countries. You are one of the few who has stayed at your club and has rejected more lucrative offers to stay in San Sebastian. Do you rule out trying it out someday?

-In life you never know what can happen and even less so in football because situations change a lot. Today you are here and tomorrow you can get injured and the situation can change because there are a thousand conditions. But now and in the years since, I have been very clear that I wanted to be at Real and that the club also wanted me to be there, and that is also important. For me it is a place where I have my family, my friends, I have managed to grow as a player, I have managed to make things go well for the club and when all that comes together, it is easier to stay where you are.

-What expectations does this selection have? Do you see yourselves as favorites to win the Euro Cup?

-We were clear that we came to compete for the European Championship and that

We came to play an important role. We and the coaching staff are clear about that. We are all going in the same direction and that is the most important thing. Then there may be surprises and there will be teams that fail. Now the competition changes and goes from the group to the playoffs, where a mistake can cost you dearly. We have a clear conscience, we believe that we can do things well, but with our feet on the ground, with confidence, humility and working to achieve the objective.

-It seems that the picture has gone wrong and we are going on the harder side with Germany, England, France, Portugal…

-It’s something that is not in our hands and we shouldn’t give it too much importance. If you want to win the Euro, you have to beat everyone. No matter what happens…

-Thank you, Mikel and good luck.

-Thank you.

2024-06-28 17:01:17
#Oyarzabal #win #Euro #Cup #beat #matter #touch


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