Paco García Lashes Out in Farewell Press Conference: The Truth Behind His Departure from Real Valladolid

It could not be otherwise. Paco García, despite possibly doing a continence exercise after a week away from the media spotlight after his non-continuity at UEMC Real Valladolid after exercising the club, his club, the clause to break the contract unilaterally, had to die killing And those who know him, in the club and outside the club, were aware that that grip on his explosiveness and effervescence that has given him so much but has also taken so much away from him, was not going to last long.

So it was. After his farewell letter published on the Real Valladolid website, Paco García wanted to say goodbye again to the media in a press conference called at the Ginos Restaurant in Duque de la Victoria to try to explain the truth of his departure from the club. its truth, which has given us so much to talk about these days.

Paco García seemed hurt, disappointed and also overwhelmed. “I have felt overwhelmed and overwhelmed by what has happened and by the run run that was being generated in the city. It was said that Paco was not speaking because there was something else. I want to explain the real situation of my departure from the club,” he began in the concerted single-thematic press conference that lasted 31 minutes.

“It’s not worth being where they don’t want you to be” PACO GARCÍA

The coach, who remembered step by step his four stages on the Valladolid bench, with nine seasons (3 in ACB, 5 in LEB-Oro and 1 in LEB-Silver), with 277 games coached (66 in ACB, 167 in LEB- Gold and 44 in LEB-Silver), as expected, he not only gave a single stitch without a thread, leaving no one indifferent. His start made us think that Paco García was going to leave more than one headline in his last press conference. “It’s not worth it to be where they don’t want me to be. There are people on the board who didn’t want me to continue at the club. The excuse of money has been made and that’s an excuse.”

“There are people on the board who did not want me to continue in the club. The excuse of money has been made and that is an excuse” PACO GARCÍA

The coach from Valladolid, after explaining how he negotiated with Fenaert (Real Valladolid CF) the salary increase that has generated so much controversy in the club, was direct. I am not the best paid in the LEB-Oro. I am at the high level of these Leagues according to my career and my age, where only Orenga is older than me. If after so much time you have no right to earn an acceptable contract…”

If after so much time you do not have the right to earn an acceptable contract…”.PACO GARCÍA

Paco García revealed what was already known and that this newspaper has already published, the amount that Real Valladolid basketball has had to pay the coach for breaking the contract: 10,000 euros, an amount that also generates debate, at least for him. “If they have to pay me 10,000 euros and the new coach (Lolo Encinas) a house, agent’s commission and bonus, which I didn’t have, maybe I’m not as expensive as they say. Lolo Encina I don’t think he’ll come for… Paco García is not a pesetero and my feeling is that very little has been done for me to continue. It was his decision,” in reference to the club.

Paco García in his last press conference after not continuing with Real Valladolid Baloncesto, at the GinosG.V restaurant.

And a new message arrived for sailors from the now former UEMC Real Valladolid coach, who is suspending his habits at least until the month of December to rest. “Am I hurt? Yes, of course I am hurt. I did not accept a 34% salary reduction, which is what the Real Valladolid Football Club assumed directly, out of professional dignity. There are senior management contracts of the club there (in allusion to those of the general director Enrique Peral and that of the sports director Pepe Catalina) that are there and have not been touched And mine is touched. “A direct attack on the waterline in which he put two contracts noticeably inferior to his own in the same boat and for which it is not known if they will also receive a reduction when they are signed and therefore renewed year after year, season after season.” .

“There are contracts for the club’s senior management, they are there and they have not been touched” PACO GARCÍA

Time passed and Paco García’s efforts, as they say in sports slang, were from the middle of the field forward. “I don’t understand why bad managerial management, with a debt generated, I have to pay with my contract. As far as I know, when Mike Hansen left the club to the new managers the debt was zero. And now in the first economic measure the pay with me.”

“I don’t understand why bad managerial management, with a debt generated, I have to pay with my contract” PACO GARCÍA

The abrupt and non-voluntary departure of Paco García from Real Valladolid Baloncesto could mean a definitive goodbye and not a see you later, leaving a fifth stage on the Valladolid bench far away, almost impossible. “With this I close a stage. I need to stop. My head asks me to disconnect. I will be in retirement at least until December. Return to direct here? I paraphrase Machado: You can see the path that will never be trodden again.”

Finally, the coach, who acknowledged that the club did not make him any other proposal, any other offer, revealed that “the intention is that there were going to be changes in the coaching staff,” in reference to his assistants this season.

2024-06-20 18:06:54
#Paco #García #dies #killing #Real #Valladolid #Basketball


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