Paris 2024 Olympic Games, football: around Thierry Henry and Hervé Renard, the French teams pose in Clairefontaine

Less than a month before the Olympic Games, the French teams are coming together. This Friday, the French Football Federation posted a photo in which a particularly busy squad is posing. The staff, the Espoirs players and the female players gathered in front of the same lens to celebrate the gathering that will lead the two selections to Paris 2024.

In the center of the photo, Hervé Renard smiles to the right of Thierry Henry, framed by the footballers summoned. The Blues arrived at Clairefontaine on Tuesday June 25 and, since then, they have not left their young colleagues. The returning Alexandre Lacazette appeared alongside the other captain of Olympique Lyonnais, Wendie Renard.

The castle’s chefs had also mixed up the cutlery to allow the two teams to sit down together. It was also necessary to bring out additional armchairs and an imposing screen so that everyone could enjoy the broadcast of the France A team’s third Euro, against Poland (1-1).

A final symbol for the road, the last ramparts Pauline Peyraud-Magnin and Guillaume Restes appeared together at a press conference on Thursday. “Strangely, we weren’t at the same table yesterday,” smiled the Juventus Turin goalkeeper. “I was with Alexandre Lacazette and Rayan Cherki, between Lyonnais. Honestly, we didn’t talk too much about football, except for this mix of boys and girls that we had known in our younger years in Lyon, in the training center. We talked more about life in general. That feels good too.”


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