Paris Basket Star Nadir Hifi Talks NBA Dreams and French Team Experience with TrashTalk

Paris Basket star guard Nadir Hifi, multi-titled this season, was able to speak to TrashTalk on the occasion of his first media day with the French team. Between apprehensions, contribution to the group, individual development, differences in play between club and national team and NBA projects, Nadir was able to elaborate on many subjects during this day.

Nadir Hifi 🗣️: “I was very apprehensive before joining this group, but they all welcomed me very well, I get along well with everyone.”@TrashTalk_fr

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) June 27, 2024

The first doubts about his place within his elite squad were quickly dispelled by the confidence of his various teammates. Nadir Hifi tells us about a beautiful atmosphere within the group and a feeling of being part of a whole. On the pitch, he is certain, he has added value to bring to this French team.

Nadir Hifi on what he can bring to the French team ⬇️⬇️⬇️@TrashTalk_fr

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) June 27, 2024

“I think I can bring a lot of things as I showed this season. Afterwards, we know that I would have a different role in the France team if I am on the final list. I am aware of that. I think I bring other things, not just scoring. It’s a completely different team from Paris, I think I can bring a lot more in terms of defense and in terms of creativity, because the defenses know that I can score so there are openings. I can bring a lot of things” – Nadir Hifi

We have to put ourselves in context, Nadir Hifi has completely exploded over the last eighteen months. Quite simply one of the best players in the French first division and EuroCup, the leader won two titles this season at club, after victories in the LeadersCup and the EuroCup. Having been elected Player of the Month in LNB several times, Hifi is aware of this: its spectacular development is nothing ordinary.

Nadir Hifi 🗣️: “My progress is dazzling, my first season in Paris is a 10/10, I won two titles and now I am in the 17 for the Olympic Games, it’s a great source of pride” @TrashTalk_fr

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) June 27, 2024

Today in a very different setting from Paris Basket where he is part of a dominant backcourt with TJ Shorts, Nadir Hifi knows the ins and outs of its presence in the French group. Not guaranteed to be in the twelve selected by Vincent Collet, Hifi also knows that here, the two best players are in the paint and that he has every interest in serving them.

Nadir Hifi on the differences between the game of Paris Basketball and the French team: ⬇️⬇️⬇️

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) June 27, 2024

“We have a very different game from Paris Basket. At Paris Basket we play more on the outside, here we have an inner strength which is incredible. You have to find the right balance, if you play too much inside it can cause problems. We are aware of the strengths we have in the team, we have to make the most of them” – Nadir Hifi

Still in the last 17 French players for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Nadir Hifi is part of a complete but tough group, he is aware of it and he is ready to take on the challenge. Happy to be there, grateful for the opportunity and nevertheless eager to show his value, Nadir Hifi knows that he has everything to gain from making a good impression during this French team adventure. After all, NBA scouts are never far away…

Nadir Hifi 🗣️: “I think I would still have opportunities to go to the NBA, they are watching me closely, if I have a chance to go there I will take it”@TrashTalk_fr

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) June 27, 2024

2024-06-27 12:01:00
#Nadir #Hifi #progress #dazzling


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