Paris Basketball Coach Criticizes “Not Normal” Schedule for French Championship Final

The schedule for the final of the French basketball championship “is not normal”, criticized Paris Basketball coach Tuomas Iisalo on Sunday.

The schedule for the final of the French basketball championship “is not normal”, criticized Paris Basketball coach Tuomas Iisalo on Sunday, whose team will face Monaco on Tuesday (6:30 p.m.) less than 48 hours after its last match of the semi-finals.

“This is not normal, on several levels”lamented the Finn at a press conference following Paris’ victory over Asvel (98-92) in the fifth and final match of their semi-final series.

«Is this the best way to showcase the fantastic product that is the championship? he said. “Didn’t anyone say that this was a lack of respect for the qualifying team, whoever it was?

Monaco had more rest

Monaco, which hosts the first two matches of the final played in the best of five matches, only needed four rounds to defeat Bourg-en-Bresse (3-1) in its half. Mike James’ band has been resting since Thursday evening.

“We couldn’t book a private flight because it cost 30,000 euros and we didn’t know if we would qualify”, recalled Iisalo. “So tomorrow (Monday) we will take a commercial flight and wait at the airport to launch the final series. The least we can say is that it is not optimal.”

After the Leaders Cup and the Eurocup (C2), Paris Basketball will covet a third trophy this season in the final of the French championship, the first in its young history which began in 2018.

2024-06-02 22:24:31
#Paris #Basketball #coach #criticizes #schedule


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