Parliamentary Interpellation Sessions: Key Topics and Officials to Watch

Four topics will be the subject of questions by the deputies, to whom the heads of the ministries of Natural Resources and Environment, Industry and Commerce, Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the auditor general of the State, as well as the related deputy prime ministers, will respond. with these areas.

The high responsibility, deep knowledge and practical experiences of the officials will allow the interpellation sessions to be carried out efficiently, and will respond to the demands of deputies, voters and citizens, the president of the Legislature anticipated today at the beginning of the work. , Tran Thanh Man.

The head of the National Assembly stressed that these days in which Government authorities will respond to the parliamentarians’ questions were carefully prepared, with a selection of those topics of greatest interest.

According to the planned program, the interpellation sessions will begin with the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Dang Quoc Khanh, who will be asked about the management, exploitation and protection of national marine resources, and the implementation of policies and laws on safety of aquatic resources.

In addition, it will address solutions to prevent and combat drought, salt water intrusion, scarcity, decline and contamination of water sources, as well as the research, exploration, exploitation and use of mineral resources.

Subsequently, the VNA news agency anticipated, it will be the turn of the head of the Industry and Commerce portfolio, Nguyen Hong Dien, who will refer to the protection of consumer rights in electronic commerce, and solutions to boost activities. exporters.

Other issues that Hong Dien must address are the implementation of free trade agreements, how to eliminate difficulties for companies in the global context of unpredictable changes, and the application of policies and laws to develop supporting and mechanical industries.

Yesterday, the Vietnamese Parliament examined the program of goals for cultural development in the period 2025-2035, which according to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Nguyen Van Hung, will be implemented throughout the country and in some nations. where a large number of compatriots live, work and study.

The seventh ordinary session of the Vietnamese Parliament began on May 20 and will take place in two stages: the first will last until June 8, and the second from the 17th to the 28th of the same month.


2024-06-04 08:22:27
#Parliament #Vietnam #opens #days #interpellation


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